Friday, 26 February 2016

Infantino emerges as FIFA President : how he won and his profile

Switzerland Gianni Infantino on Friday, in Zurich,
Switzerland, was elected the new President for world soccer
governing body, FIFA.

With a simple majority of votes in 2nd ballot, Infantino was
elected FIFA President until 2019.
Recall that in the 1st ballot, Infantino had polled 88 votes
beating his closest rival, Shk. Salman, who polled 85 votes.
Prince Ali polled 27 votes, while Jérôme Champagne polled 7

Since there was no two-third majority reached in 1st ballot,
the election proceeded to the 2nd ballot, where Infantino
emerged victorious.
The 112-year-old world soccer governing body, has 209
Member Associations.

His Profile :
Age: 45

Nationality: Italian/Swiss

Years in game: 15

Current Position:

UEFA General secretary
Previous positions: Joined Uefa in 2000 as a lawyer and
secretary general of the International Centre for Sports
Studies (CIES) at the University of Neuchatel

What he says: "My manifesto is based on the need
for reform and also for a Fifa that genuinely serves the
interests of all 209 national associations, big or small,
and that puts football and football development at the
top of its agenda. If elected I would lead that change in
partnership with all who want to see a Fifa worthy of
governing the world's number one sport with dignity
and respect."

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