United Kingdom wanted to pull out from EUROpean union....
And they voted yesterday, 58% voted for BREXIT...while 42% voted against it.
BREXIT means BRitain EXIT
The European Union has 28 member countries; and the year they joined EU
Austria (1995)
Belgium (1958)
Bulgaria (2007)
Croatia (2013)
Cyprus (2004)
Czech Republic (2004)
Denmark (1973)
Estonia (2004)
Finland (1995)
France (1958)
Germany (1958)
Greece (1981)
Hungary (2004)
Ireland (1973)
Italy (1958)
Latvia (2004)
Lithuania (2004)
Luxembourg (1958)
Malta (2004)
Netherlands (1958)
Poland (2004)
Portugal (1986)
Romania (2007)
Slovakia (2004)
Slovenia (2004)
Spain (1986)
Sweden (1995)
United Kingdom (1973)
U.K still ve two more year before it can pull out...the country will still be abiding by European laws till 2018.
David Cameron doesn't want U.K to leave but he belongs to minority people, he had to resign as P.M as he promised to if the country voted for BREXIT.
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