Tuesday, 26 January 2016


Some of Egbas, Ijebus/Remos and Yewa/Aworis dishes.



EBIRIPO: This is a rich cocoyam delicacy that is prepared like
moi – moi. The cocoyams are grated and wrapped in
these moi moi leaves and steamed until set! It goes together with Obe Egusi.

IKOKORE/IFOKORE: You will crush female/Ewura yam with grater, add pepper, water, palm oil, ogiri or Maggi or any seasoning, dry fish and u can add other things to it depends how you want it, you cook it like Porridge. IFOKORE is very good for cold Ęba.

Amala Funfun and Ewedu Soup :

The best food/dish for Egbas is Amala funfun/Cassava powder  and Ewedu Soup. You will boil water and turn the cassava powder until it becomes soft.

(2) Gaari Egba: Gaari which is produced with cassava is also enjoyed by all bonafide indigenes of Egbas.

(1) Eko and Egusi or Hota soup or Efo Yanrin.

Eko is also Akamu which is prepared with dry maize. Hota is a soup prepared with Fresh pepper, onion, Iru woro, tomato with Dry fish.
YEWAS/AWORIS also prefer Efo Yanrin with Eko tuntun. Efo Yanrin is a vegetable. 

(2 ) Kokoro is also a food loved by YEWAS but some people called it "nkan ipanu". Kokoro is made with  Agbado/dry Maize and fried with groundnut oil.

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