Monday, 25 January 2016



 with Waheed Ogunjobi

Today’s Nugget : 26/1/2016

‘’If you cannot attain your goal in life very fast , you can get there slowly and steadily . Your friends may get there before you, but you can accomplish your goal much more later and still surpass them . After all, the first house in town is not necessarily the best’’

Are you one of those who always use other people as a standard or who are always envious of other peoples accomplishment ? You better stop to have a re-think . For everything , there is an appointed time . Life’s  accomplishments can never be the same . The fact that your friend has reached his goal before you does not make him any better than you . That may be his own reigning time . Whatever accomplishment your friend may have attained may after all be a child’s play to what you will achieve much more later . It is not a bad practice to be ambitious , what perhaps is bad is to  use other people as a template . If your friend can afford a car , must you also buy a car because your friend is riding one? If your friend sends her children to a private school, must you also do same ? . Like I said, it is good to be ambitious , but over –ambitious or ‘’ copy-catting’’is a bad habit . Someone sometimes jokingly said ‘’ If you want to be a copy-cat , you better copy the right cat ‘’. That is just by the way !.
How can you move at the same pace with your friend , when you do not necessarily set the same goal ? Everything has a gestation and maturity period . Chances are that your own success magic is yet to mature at the time your friend’s own did . When your own eventually did , it may be a instant hit . Instead of coveting what other people have or trying to meet up with them at all cost, why not begin to work on your own and pray for your ideas to materialize ? Another  very cogent point is this ,people set different priorities in life . The fact that someone decides to invest his /her own life investment on buying expensive car does not make that person any better . If your own priority is different from his own , you may not actually be  gyrating on the same plane . That is , why he is riding the best car and or building the classiest house in town, you may be working on other bigger idea that may on the long run dwarf whatever achievement he / she has recorded. What matter is not reaching your place of destiny at the same time with your contemporaries, what matters is hitting it big when your own idea materialises. Therefore, I put it to you , if your friend seems to be getting ahead of you , do not covet nor envy him, instead work very hard on your dream and sooner than expected you will reach your own promised land . Remember , the first house in town is not necessarily the best !

Bible verse for the day :

Ecllesiastes 4:4 -6 : ‘’ Then i observe that most people are motivated to success because they envy their neighbours . But, this too is meaningless like chasing the winds’’

Tomorrow is another day 08035004741,

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