Saturday, 2 April 2016

Odulate: The man who produced Alabukun powder

1918, Jacob Sogboyega Odulate, the Blessed Jacob, sat at the work table in his laboratory, writing the notes which
contained the formula for what would ultimately be known as his famous patented medicine, Alabukun Powder.

It was early in the evening of another hectic day at his place of work, a functional
combination of office, consulting room and laboratory-cum workshop. His single minded pursuit of the goal of
establishing an indigenous medical/pharmaceutical brand was legendary. He had displayed the same purposeful
determination when at the age of 14, he decided to uproot himself from his ancestral town of Ikorodu and he had
embarked on an exploratory journey which took him three months on foot to establish a domestic and commercial
base in Abeokuta. His very modest, but cherished “headquarters” was built in the Sapon area of Abeokuta, a mere
walking distance from the site of his future three-storey landmark home in Ijemo Agbadu.

With the day’s work finished, he supervised the ritualistic tidying-up of the office, a task in which some of his
children were willing and excited participants.

Unfortunately, the road construction of the present Administration led by Senator Ibikunle Amosun and that past administration of Babatunde Fashola as governor paved way for the demolition of Houses and offices of Alabukun man.

First to go was the magnificent family residence in Ijemo Agbadu with its unique granite-hued frontage and castle-
like grounds which for more than half a century housed living quarters for family and friends alike.

Secondly, in 2013 the building (the first two-level building in Abeokuta, Sapon) the original birthplace and home of
the Alabukun brand was demolished.

Thirdly, the storey-building that the Blessed Jacob built on the east side of Ikorodu Road and which for decades was
the most significant landmark on that road before one reached the landmark Ikorodu Roundabout was also demolished.

Baba Alabukun was a black man and member of the Yoruba ethnic group had triumphed against the seemingly insurmountable
obstacles that the British colonial authorities had placed in the path of ambitious “natives”. He had penetrated the
fortress of British-dominated commercial enterprise in nascent Nigeria, to become one of a very small group of
Nigerian entrepreneurs in the colony. He had reasons to smile.

From the modest, but gradually escalating proceeds of the sale of Alabukun Powder, Alabukun Mentholine and other
locally made products – all produced by him – the Blessed Jacob was able to realize his desire, which was
to underwrite all the expenses associated with sending his children to the land of the erstwhile colonial rulers,
Britain, to further their education.

One after the other, his offspring went off to study at Durham, Newcastle, USA
and London to qualify as educationists, medical doctors, lawyers and engineers. They returned to Nigeria to join the
pool of highly educated and successful professionals for which Abeokuta has been particularly famed in Nigeria
history. Alabukun’s offspring have prospered and have made immense contributions to Yorubaland and to Nigeria in
their various professions and spheres of endeavour.

The enduring success of the Alabukun brand is now interwoven into the fabric of modern Nigeria medical history.

Alabukun Powder in particular is displayed and sold in thousands of pharmacies, markets and roadside stalls all over
Nigeria. In many states in Nigeria, Alabukun powder is considered to be the obligatory cure-all for almost every
ailment. In neighbouring countries such as Benin Republic, Ghana and Cameroon, the eye-catching Alabukun brand is
to be seen advertised everywhere. Alabukun products are sold in several towns and cities in the USA, the UK, in
Europe, Brazil, Jamaica, and yes, even as far away as China. You can buy Alabukun products on-line, off-line, under-
bridges and over-expressways.

Just last year, 2012, the descendants and family of the Blessed Jacob marked and celebrated the 50th anniversary of
the passing on of this towering man. 

Happily, his children, his grandchildren, great grand-children and great-great grandchildren as well as the
descendants and relations of the multitudes of his beneficiaries, patients, friends and employees, were all there to
celebrate the history of this under-appreciated icon.

Information collected from several sources online/National newspapers

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