Wednesday, 23 November 2016

FAM: An NGO that cares....

The best you can do for mankind is to positively impact on them.
Never respect men merely for their riches,
but rather for their philanthropy; we do not
value the sun for its height, but for its use.

These were the real facts that imbued the heart of the Jagunmolu of Jogaland, Mayegun of Igan-Okoto and the Philanthropist per excellence, Chief Akande Omoniyi to form an NGO in the memory of his mother, so as to tremendously impact on people and help the communities and the Society at large.  Fausat Asakun Omoniyi Foundation (FAO) is a non profit and non-governmental organization with the aim to help the poor, the less privileged, and contribute to the community and educational development in Ogun State.

It is not too long that Organization was formed but its massive contributions to the Society within the little time had catapulted FAO to the enviable position like those Organizations that had been in existence for long, its tremendous impacts on the Society set the NGO apart from others.

Looking at the young man who formed the organization, Akande Omoniyi is an HND graduate of Accountancy and a Fellow of Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (FCA). He is the Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer of C2Q, a Property and investment Company in Abuja and the Company has branches across the country. He created the jobs for teeming Youths.

I was actually attracted by the philanthropic gestures of this Young man popularly called FAO when I travelled to Ayetoro in Yewa North to cover the colourful event of Ayetoro Day which was held at the famous Comprehensive High school ground, Ayetoro on the 19th of November, 2016. My first point of visit was the medical section, as it was at the edge of the entrance, I asked people about the cost of the medical Check up and the drugs at the occasion, the Medical personnel in charge of the programme directed me to look at the banner in front of them. The banner revealed FAO FOUNDATION.

The people were given free drugs and medical service free of Charge, Courtesy of FAO FOUNDATION at the event.

My investigation also revealed FAO FOUNDATION had repaired and renovated the Health center at both Junior and Senior Schools of Egbado High School in Igbogila, Yewa North Local government area.

Picture: The medical centres of Egbado High School both Junior and Senior Schools 

Senator Ibikunle Amosun's administration created 37 Local council development areas (LCDA) to increase the 20 Local government areas to 57, Iju and Ketu LCDAs were carved out from Yewa North Local government while Afon LCDA was created from Imeko Afon Local government area. The New LCDAs have challenges on office accommodations, Jagunmolu Akande swung into action by asking his NGO to extend the philanthropic assistance to those LCDAs, Some Chairmen's offices were refurbished and renovated while the remaining ones would soon be completed according to my Source. 

Last month, Precisely on the 27th of October, 2016; The leadership of National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) invited Chief Akande  
to a PUBLIC LECTURE at Cultural Center, Abeokuta where he delivered a paper on ' THE ROLE OF AN NGO IN RESOLVING  STUDENTS' UNREST IN NIGERIA', he lectured the participants on how Non-governmental organizations could be empowered the Students by training them for one or two skills that could keep them away from the violence. 

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Unknown said...

Jagunmolu Akande the saying goes "This is the beginning of the beginning" God bless FAO Foundation, God Bless JAO and Bless the people of Ogun State.

Unknown said...
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