Thursday, 4 February 2016

 SCHOOL OF LIFE ,with Waheed Ogunjobi

Today's Nugget : 04/02/16

''Where you begin doesn't determine where you end ''

Life is full of surprises . Certain things in life appear like a misery , but they are just the reality of life . Many people today are not too pleased with their situation in life . They wish they had been born somewhere else or by someone else ,yet where you were born and who born you sometimes is not all that matters in life . What actually matter is where God is taking you .The world is replete with stories of people who have moved from grass to grace ; people who had  never imagined being at the place they find themselves . Many a renowned people today started from a humble background and eventually grow to reach grater heights .  The most important thing is for people not to look down on others . Yoruba will say 'A n Jo rin , a mo ori Olowo'' . The fact that someone is in a sorry state today does not mean he can not be in a glorious state tomorrow . All depends on stroke of luck ,hard work and what God has in stock for the person . And, God sure has good plans for everyman . His words says '' If ye  be willing and obedient , you will eat the fruit of the land '' . Where you started doesn't,t determine where you will end . Are you disturbed about your current state of living ? Are you hopeless about your situation ? There are no hopeless situation ,but hopeless people . If you allow  God to work on you ,your story will soon change for good .For instance , how does Obama who came from a humble background in Kenya ended up becoming the President of the most powerful nation on earth ? . What should you do to end up in a better place ? It depends solely on your life journey . If you begin from a humble background and you work so hard towards accomplishing your goal ,you will sure end up at a better place than you ever imagined yourself .The Bible says ' Though your beginning may be small ,but your latter end shall be greatly multiplied '' . Yes ,the same Bible says '' Better is the end of a thing than the beginning therefore ! .Have you not heard the story of great men who confess all sort of difficult situations they had passed through yet they are comfortable today ? Ending up well still boils down to how you spend every minute of your life , what goals you set for yourself and how hard you work towards accomplishing your goals . Some people are billionaire in the making ,yet they appear like nobody today . Keep on pursuing that lofty goal and you will soon discover how the stories of great men changes for better . But I beg of you brethren , do all you can to change your story, but do not cut corners , because the consequence may be worse . As a matter of fact , those who cut corners sometimes do ended up where they started ,if not worse off . Beware ! May we not end up where we begin our journey . May we all be catapulted to success to have forgotten we all lived a modest life before . Remember ,where you begin does not determine where you end . Good day!

Bible verse for the day :Ecclesiastes 7:8 

''Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit'' 

Tomorrow is another day by His grace , 08935004741,

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